Land surveyor service in Prague
We would like to offer you the summary of the service we offer in English. International customers and companies are welcome to contact us.
We offer the geodetic service or in other words the service of the land surveyor in Prague and surrounding area (Centra Bohemian region).
You could be needing us in some of the following cases:
Examination or laying out of the borderlines of the land lot
If you are about to buy a new land lot or to examine the borderlines of the current one it is often needed to check or even lay out the borderlines (delineate the land ownership). We are able to get all needed data from the land office (cadastral office - "katastrální úřad") and set them out in the field.
Building a structure
The level of bureaucracy in the Czech republic is quite hight so whenever you are building a family house or any other structure the surveyor is needed. We provide the service of laying out the structures and the survey for the purpose of legalization (approval of use - "kolaudace"). We provide you with all neccessary papers you need ("geometrický plán").
Digital survey of the land for the project
Before any project can start the survey of the area is vital. We can create for you a digital model of the area in high precision. The model (drawing) will then be the foundation for consequent designing works.
Documentation of the current stuctures
For the purpose of documentation we can survey the current state of your building and create drawings in the digital format that you desire.
There is much more we could offer you in the case you are looking for english speaking surveyor in Prague and Central Bohemian region. Do not hesitate to contact us ask about the availability and the price of our service.